• Long Journey Home: Relocating in The Time of COVID-19 (Part 1)

    Traveling in the time of COVID-19 is complicated, let alone relocating to another country. The challenge is double, if not triple, and it’s a long journey, both literally and metaphorically! But that’s exactly what we’d been through in the last few weeks as my family and I were moving from Lund, Sweden, to Jogja, Indonesia.…

  • If only I could fit Sweden in my Luggages

    As much as I am aware that my time in Sweden is temporary, that the day when I leave the country is just a matter of time, it doesn’t make it easier for me to deal with it when the time eventually comes. My heart still aches But I only have myself to blame. Wherever…

  • 2020 in Review

    It’s not easy to sum up 2020 in one post. The year of 2020 was quite something for every single person in this world. It was the time when everything was put in pause and everyone lived in uncertainty. It was the year of resilience, of forgiving, of making peace with the prolonged, unbearable situation.…

  • Membawa atau Tidak Membawa Keluarga saat Bersekolah di Luar Negeri

    Ketika sudah berkeluarga, keputusan untuk studi lanjut di luar negeri bukanlah perkara mudah, mengingat lebih banyak yang harus dipertimbangkan daripada saat masih berstatus lajang. Setidaknya itulah yang dirasakan beberapa orang yang belakangan menghubungi saya, terkait pengalaman saya membawa dan dibawa keluarga bersekolah di luar Indonesia. Saya sendiri cenderung memilih opsi membawa serta keluarga saat studi…

  • Chasing Aurora in Abisko (Part 3)

    Abisko with kids Our third day in Abisko was started late because we arrived from the Aurora chasing at around 10 pm the night before and everyone was feeling excited yet cold and tired, especially the youngest one. So we slowed down a bit and didn’t go out until after lunch. That day, it was…

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