• If only I could fit Sweden in my Luggages

    As much as I am aware that my time in Sweden is temporary, that the day when I leave the country is just a matter of time, it doesn’t make it easier for me to deal with it when the time eventually comes. My heart still aches But I only have myself to blame. Wherever…

  • Cerita Preschool Baby K

    Sudah lama saya tidak menulis di laman ini. Belakangan, saya memang sedang disibukkan dengan beberapa hal baru. Salah satunya, mendampingi anak bungsu saya masuk sekolah. Yup, sejak seminggu terakhir, si kecil mulai masuk kelas pra sekolah alias förskola kalau dalam bahasa Swedia. Sebenarnya, di Swedia, setiap anak berhak masuk preschool sejak umur 1 tahun. Tapi…

  • Swedish Pastry Calendar*

    As someone with many sweet teeth, one thing I love about Sweden is its “excuses” to always have something sweet between meals. Thanks to its most celebrated tradition, Fika. It seems to me that despite the lagom value, Swedes are quite into cake and pastry; they even have special days to celebrate almost all of them. Here is…

  • Midsommar: Film vs Realita

    Sewaktu film Midsommar tayang beberapa waktu lalu, beberapa teman menghubungi saya untuk menanyakan akurasi dari adegan-adegan horor yang ada di dalamnya. Mayoritas dengan nada bercanda tentu saja. Tapi tidak sedikit juga yang menyiratkan nada khawatir, kalau-kalau praktik-praktik seperti yang ada di film itu benar terjadi. Tenang, sejauh ini belum ada indikasi bahwa ritual di film…

  • Basic Everyday Info for Recently Moved Newbie*

    Lately, I’ve been receiving questions from some people who are going to move to Sweden, either for work or study in my website and Instagram. And some of the questions are actually really simple, about everyday info, which I didn’t consider important before. At least I used to take it for granted. But I think…

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