• Post-natal Reflection

    Hari Minggu (17/2) kemarin, Baby K genap dua bulan. Di hari itu awalnya saya berniat menuliskan refleksi paska kelahiran. Sekalian memperingati ulang bulan. Cocoklah momennya, pikir saya. Tapi karena satu dan dua hal (baca: rutinitas ibu baru dan tanggungan pekerjaan yang mesti segera dirampungkan 😅), akhirnya saya baru sempat menuliskan refleksi hari ini, alias telat…

  • Giving Birth in Sweden: A Personal Story*

    Monday, 3rd of December 2018, I woke up with severe pain in my abdomen and my lower back. ”This is it. Labor had begun,” I thought. But I wasn’t entirely correct. The contractions started but it took two weeks for my baby to arrive. What a journey it was. These are the highlights of my…

  • Budget Shopping for Newborn Essentials

    Shopping for your new baby is an exciting and a fun part of being pregnant. Imagine yourself go to a baby shop and see all those cute Scandinavian designs, how can you resist the temptation? Wait until you realise that there are only three price categories in Sweden: 1) Expensive 2) Even more expensive, and…

  • Mrs Fantastic

    On our way home the other day, my daughter and I had a small talk like we always had. We discussed this and that and she excitedly told me about the unit she’s currently doing: “Human Body” and how she did a research on skeleton as part of the unit. That day she said that…

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